Grievence Procedure

Everlast Recovery Centers INC.

Grievence Procedure

According to Title 9, Chapter 5, section 10543 (a) of the California Administrative Code, any individual may indicate and be allowed proper administrative address of said grievance(s).

Persons wishing to submit a grievance with the staff member or Path to Recovery Detox Program in general, shall do so in the following manner:

  1. Person will initiate the grievance in written form (assistance is provided if necessary).
    1. a. Complaint form will be provided
  2. The Compliance Director, Program Director, or Executive Director will review the written grievance.
  3. A meeting shall be scheduled to resolve such disputes and may include but not limited to the following parties: The Compliance Director, Administrator, Clinical Director and Executive Director.
  4. The person will also be given the California State Board of Alcohol/Drug Treatment Programs Complaint Coordinator contact info to follow up any unresolved complaint(s).

 6560 Sandy Lane Riverside Ca. 92508


19192 Turrell Way Riverside Ca. 92508


Department of Health Care Services- Licensing and Certification Branch

SUD Compliance Division MS 2600 – PO Box 997413

Sacramento, CA 95899

(916) 322-2911 FAX (916) 323-0659