therapist talks with young woman

Finding an Anxiety Therapist

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Many mental health terms get thrown around, like depression and anxiety, and it’s easy to attribute this to others. Because of this, many individuals who are suffering from anxiety may feel that things aren’t bad enough that they need to seek treatment, or that they are just having a bad day. 

Sometimes it’s more than just a bad day, however, treatment could be exactly what you need to start living to your fullest again. Finding an anxiety therapist can help assist you with knowing the difference between things being a little rough, and needing treatment.

Therapists can help with a variety of mental health issues. And therapy sessions can involve one-on-one treatment or group and family therapy. Mental health professionals work with patients to determine what type of therapy will be most beneficial for their case. At Everlast Recovery, we take a comprehensive approach to anxiety treatment and therapy. 

What is Anxiety? 

When trying to find a therapist that is a good fit, it’s sometimes helpful to know what exactly you’re seeking treatment for. Many definitions can make things seem more complicated than they are, however, and may even come across as intimidating.

Anxiety is simply a feeling of dread or that things are going to go very wrong. This could be something such as you don’t want to take the bus because there could be a traffic jam. At other times, you may feel fearful about messing up a big speech.

Everyone experiences this. From toddlers who dread their first day of Pre-K, to someone who is about to embark on retirement and fear having enough funds in the bank, we all feel it. 

Symptoms of Anxiety

There are several types of anxiety, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. These include:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder
  • Social anxiety disorder
  • Panic disorder
  • Various phobia-related disorders

You may experience only one type of anxiety or even several types. There are no hard or fast rules for it. The symptoms do tend to be the same, however, and may include:

  • Trouble sleeping
  • Feeling irritable
  • Becoming easily tired
  • Feeling restless, on-edge, nervous
  • Feelings of worry that aren’t easily controlled
  • Headaches
  • Muscle aches
  • Unexplained pains, such as a tight feeling in the throat
  • Difficulty concentrating

You may feel only one or two symptoms, or you may experience several at once. 

When To look for Help

It’s hard to determine if what you are feeling is just a normal part of life, or if there is something more going on. Thankfully, you don’t have to figure this out on your own. Good therapists and mental health professionals can help guide you toward what treatment will support your specific mental health condition. 

An anxiety therapist can help you determine if you are indeed experiencing anxiety. If you are, then they can provide further treatment. If not, you’ll have a better understanding of what you are experiencing and how to proceed in the future.

What Makes a Good Anxiety Therapist?

One of the most important things is working with an anxiety therapist who you are comfortable with. If you hate going to appointments, then you probably won’t stick with treatment. Because of this, you may want to speak to several therapists to find who you click with.

The title of therapist simply means someone who helps you with a specific mental health problem. Each will have a professional category, which can be broken down into licensed and non-licensed. 

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America reports that licensed therapists are required to have a license from a state to practice, and often have a master’s or doctorate degree. 

These licensed professionals include:

  • Psychologist
  • Psychiatrist
  • Clinical social workers

Non-licensed therapists are not required to have a license and usually have a master’s degree.

In California, the Counseling Degree Guide reports therapists are required to become licensed. Substance abuse counselors are not required to get a degree, although many seek to get at least a Bachelor’s. Don’t be afraid to ask your therapist for their credentials.

Most Used Treatments

Treating anxiety often depends on the type of anxiety you have. Some benefit from simply speaking to a therapist, while others need a more in-depth approach.


This is a type of treatment when you talk to a therapist about what you are feeling. It is tailored to your specific needs, as opposed to a more general approach. There are several categories of psychotherapy, such as acceptance and commitment (ACT), and cognitive behavior (CBT).

Part of what fuels anxiety is negative thoughts. It can be something as simple as “I can’t do this.” Another type of negative thought which gives life to anxiety is “It doesn’t matter anyway.” There is a long list of thoughts that this applies to, and everyone has them at some point.

ACT is designed to confront these thoughts by setting goals, being more aware of these thoughts, and acting mindfully.

CBT is all about confronting what makes you anxious. If it’s public speaking, your therapist may help you focus on talking to others without breaking into a sweat. This can be done by focusing on how you think, behave, and react to certain situations. 


Sometimes, medications may be used to treat your anxiety symptoms. There are currently several different types of medications on the market, such as anti-depressants, beta-blockers, and anti-anxiety. Only certain licensed therapists are able to prescribe medications. 

These can be used alone, or your therapist may recommend a combination of medications. If at any point you feel the medication isn’t working, or you have doubts, don’t hesitate to speak to your therapist.

Looking for Help

Anxiety hits us all at some point, but you don’t have to do it alone. There are options out there for you. By finding the right anxiety therapist, they can help introduce you to a variety of treatment plans, and help you get back onto the road to recovery.

When you are ready to seek out help, then there are plenty of anxiety therapists near you. At Everlast Recovery Centers, we offer a range of therapies from cognitive behavior to trauma, to teaching you life skills. We also have art therapy, mindfulness, music therapy, and yoga. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us today to get started on the road to recovery.

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