two men shaking hands at a meeting

Transitioning From Working at Home to On-Site While in Recovery

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In 2020, you may have had to make the switch to working remotely because of the pandemic. Although it was not an easy transition, you may have felt safer in the comfort of your home. With lockdowns being lifted and new precautions in place, this may be the first time you will be working outside in over a year. 

Even though these are steps towards a return to normalcy, there are always challenges that come with any change. If you are in recovery, you may need to take special care during this transition. The success of recovery is deeply connected with your stress levels and mental health. Hopefully, this article will offer some ideas to make this change smoother. 

Manging Mental Health 

When returning to in-person work, there may be anxiety around returning. The pandemic has undoubtedly been a stressful time, and during that time, your home might have become your comfort zone and sanctuary. When you spend a lot of time in your comfort zone and then have to leave more often, this can cause anxiety. Managing this anxiety is essential for maintaining your mental health, and there are many ways to achieve this. Here are a few methods you may be able to use: 

#1. Educate Yourself: When facing anxiety, learning about what makes you anxious may help reduce your stress. With this in mind, reading the guidelines set by the CDC about work conditions during the pandemic may give you a better picture of what is going to be different and what will stay the same. Reading up on this may give you a better idea of what you will be dealing with and help you prepare your mind. 

This strategy can be helpful in a variety of new situations such as travel, medical procedures, and services that you may be anxious about. Remember that people tend to be more afraid of things they do not understand. 

#2. Practice Stress-Reducing Techniques: Stress and anxiety are difficult to deal with. Actively taking steps to lower or eliminate stress is a vital process when going through life changes. Although it may seem like a lot of work, many stress-reduction techniques can be easier than you think. Some may even be enjoyable, in some cases. You can find an article on lifestyle changes to reduce stress here

#3. Look at the Bigger Picture: As a human being, you probably enjoy stability. When things are predictable, you may feel more comfortable. This means that change is almost always going to be uncomfortable. It is important to remember that this period of discomfort will be temporary, and that you will adjust to life changes with time. Despite their discomfort, changes also present new opportunities and help you grow in various ways. If you find yourself thinking too negatively about a situation, take a step back and think about how it might make life better. 

Return to Normalcy 

During the pandemic, many people turned to substances to cope with the stress of the virus and lockdowns. At the time, the CDC published a webpage specifically for this. Although returning to working in person may be a bit stressful, this is a welcomed change for many. Services and careers that people relied on are now coming back, and extroverted people get to be around others again. 

If you feel stressed about returning to work, try to think about the positive aspects of things opening back up again and how it may benefit you. People who enjoyed or worked in restaurants are beginning to breathe a sigh of relief as the industry is starting to recover. Medical services may be easier to obtain now that hospitals are being freed up and patients are seeing their doctors in person. Group meetings and therapy also may be returning from virtual to in-person again as well. 

Late 2021 is undoubtedly an interesting and confusing time to be alive. The world has changed a lot over the past two years, and sometimes it can be hard to keep up. During these trying times, remember to prioritize your physical and mental health. Working is without a doubt a priority, although being successful in recovery can be even more critical in the grand picture of life. 

If you feel like your job may impact your recovery or substance use, there is an article here that may be able to help. Taking steps to reduce stress, keeping in touch with your support group, and staying connected with those you love can go a long way to make this transitory period easier.

The modern world is a very fast-changing place, and the pandemic has only sped up that pace. Managing our mental health and recovery can certainly be challenging in times like this. Thankfully, there are more tools than ever to help us along our journey towards health and sobriety. When assessing how to stay on the right path, remember that you do not have to go it alone. There are treatment centers out there that offer the help you need to thrive. With so many options, you may be confused about where to start. If you or a loved one is seeking treatment, Everlast Recovery Centers is here for you. Our caring and well-trained staff offer treatment plans tailored to your needs. This treatment is done in our comfortable facilities based in sunny southern California. We offer various therapies and treatments to heal both your body and mind. To get started, contact us today at (866) 338-6925.

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