Embracing Self-Affirming Language in Daily Life

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Language is a powerful tool. For those in recovery from addiction, language can also aid in recovery by continuing to foster change both inside and out of the recovery sphere. Embracing the language of self-affirmation in daily life can be a core component to navigating the difficult recovery journey. It can help each individual become more confident and assured in their decisions while maintaining a healthy focus on one’s recovery goals, outlook, and sober identity. 

What Is the Language of Self-Affirmation? 

The language of self-affirmation is a method of communicating using language that is uplifting, encouraging, and optimistic. While it is often attributed to being one of the five common love languages used between partners, it is possible to harness the power of self-affirming language to create a more positive self-image. 

Those in recovery can use language to reaffirm their beliefs, instill confidence in their sober decision-making skills, and continue to maintain a healthy and positive outlook throughout recovery.

Examples of Self-Affirming Language

Incorporating self-affirming language into daily life means understanding the power that words can carry. Some of the words and phrases that are often used to uplift others can also help an individual be uplifting to themselves. Some examples of self-affirming language are:

  • I love you
  • You are special 
  • I’m impressed!
  • I appreciate you
  • That’s inspiring
  • I’m proud of you
  • Great job!
  • Thanks so much
  • You are beautiful
  • You are valuable

These are just some examples of affirming, uplifting language that an individual can use to bolster their self-esteem and commitment to sobriety. While embracing this kind of language can feel unnatural and be difficult to incorporate at first, successfully repeating these words, phrases, and notions in one’s daily life can be an incredibly transformative experience. Constantly giving praise to oneself can begin to change their perception of their recovery from a stressful hurdle into a feeling of success when they are able to better overcome challenges. 

Using Language to Reprogram Your Perception

Using self-affirming language regularly with both yourself and others can be a powerful catalyst of change. The more that a person employs this kind of language, the more it will begin to program one’s brain to see themselves and others in a more positive light. 

Language can alter one’s perception of their own recovery journey, helping to directly combat feelings of guilt, anxiety, or depression by incorporating an encouraging lexicon into one’s normal routine. Being able to see oneself and others through an affirming lens can be a testament to one’s changing perception of their own self-confidence.

This language can also help an individual use their newfound confidence to build on their feelings of agency. Doing so can help an individual to believe that they can accomplish difficult tasks while reinforcing their ability to follow through. 

How to Incorporate Language of Self-Affirmation

There are a few strategies an individual can use to incorporate self-affirming language into their daily lives. It is up to each individual to find the best way to incorporate this language. Experimenting with different approaches can allow the language of self-affirmation to become integrated into one’s worldview and perception. 

Writing Therapy

Writing in any form, whether it be a journal entry, poem, short story, lyrics, or even texting to oneself can be a great way to begin using self-affirming language. Not only can this approach allow an individual to reference these self-affirmations, but it can also provide a visual way to see which kinds of language they react best to.

Say It Out Loud

Practicing the conscious use of self-affirming language is an important part of incorporating it into daily life. Taking a moment to use this language out loud in front of a mirror during one’s morning routine can be a great way to start each day on a positive note. 

Speaking to oneself using self-affirming language can also allow an individual to hear what they are saying and thinking in real-time. This creates a better understanding of how they want to express this language and the messages they want to send to others and themselves. 

Embracing the Give and Take

Using this affirming language to compliment others can also help define the kinds of relationships that one is looking to develop. A relationship based on appreciation, encouragement, and mutual support is an important one. 

While treating others to this supportive language can be impactful, one must also be prepared to accept compliments when they are given. Using this language for others can foster an atmosphere of support. An individual is hearing this positive language regularly, while also becoming more open to seeing themselves in a positive light, despite any prevalent feelings of shame that may otherwise be present. 

Embracing the language of self-affirmation can be a powerful, transformative way of creating a new outlook on yourself and your sobriety. At Everlast Recovery Centers, we understand the importance of instilling a positive self-image and self-confidence in each individual. Your time spent in our intimate, comfortable, and home-like environment is geared to help you better understand your strengths in recovery. Supportive peers and professionals are prepared to help bolster this confidence and positive self-image while helping you navigate more vulnerable trials in your recovery. Our individual and group therapy sessions, education, relapse prevention, and pet-friendly atmosphere is ready to help you take the first step towards your transformed, sober identity, all backed by our art, yoga, music, and mindfulness therapy programs. For more information on how we can individualize your time with us, or to speak to a caring, trained staff member about your unique situation, call us today at (866) 388-6925.

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