How Can I Talk About Marijuana Addiction?

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Discussions around marijuana addiction can be complicated, delicate situations for a number of reasons. While marijuana can have undeniably negative effects, the legalization of the drug in some states can give the impression that it is safe, even for recreational use. Navigating this conversation and talking about marijuana addiction is necessary to take the proper steps in addressing one’s use. Getting the proper care and support one needs to pursue a healthy and happy lifestyle outside of marijuana use should be a priority.

Preparing For Counterarguments

There can be a number of misconceptions about marijuana that can make it seem less harmful than it actually is. While legalization has occurred in several states, those who use the substance under prescribed conditions have very direct guidelines on how and when it is to be used, as well as several restrictions regarding its use. Just because marijuana is gaining legality does not mean that the substance is safe for recreational use outside of a specified medical setting. 

The argument that marijuana is not an addictive substance is also a fallacy. Addiction can occur with a myriad of different substances and behaviors. It is not limited to just cocaine, heroin, or alcohol. Gambling, shopping, eating, and any number of other substances or behaviors can all develop into an addiction so long as an individual is deriving their happiness or sense of normalcy from an overreliance on a single source. This overreliance can easily apply to marijuana as well. 

Being aware of these notions and deconstructing the fallacies and misconceptions surrounding marijuana use is essential. In order to best prepare oneself for the delicate discussion about one’s use of marijuana with a friend, family member, or loved one, understanding these myths is a must. 

Approach With Intention

Before having a conversation about one’s marijuana use, it is important to determine the goals for the conversation ahead. For many, this can mean helping an individual understand and cease their use of the drug entirely. However, others may approach with the hope to simply get an individual to decrease their use over time. Hoping to begin to reprioritize their goals concerning their daily responsibilities could be a motivating factor as well. Knowing the intention behind the conversation can help keep conversations focused and direct. This allows for less time for asides or distractions throughout the discussion. 

Maintain an Open Dialogue

Talking about addiction of any kind, whether it be an addiction to marijuana, alcohol, or any other substance or behavior, needs to be an open dialogue. Approaching the conversation by allowing those suffering from addiction to speak their side of the situation is necessary. This can allow everyone to begin working together to better understand the situation. 

While there can be intense emotions surrounding addiction, turning these conversations into confrontations or lectures can cause those who are suffering to take an even greater defensive stance. This may compromise their willingness to have an honest discussion or their openness to receive assistance for their marijuana use at all. 

Look For Reasons Behind the Use

Discovering the reason behind a loved one’s use of marijuana can greatly aid in finding the right recovery approach for each person. An individual saying they use it to “relax with friends” can be a cause of great concern. Others who may say that it helps calm their nerves before or after school/work can indicate that they need to explore their anxiety in their personal and professional lives. Finding the reason behind a person’s use can inform the kind of treatment needed, as well as the strategies that can be employed during the recovery process. 

Ask Directed Questions

Asking directed questions can streamline discussion about specific aspects of one’s use. Doing so can help prevent distractions or deflections from the conversation while forcing an individual to be more introspective with their answers. Questions such as “Why would quitting be a big deal?” or “Why do you think marijuana is safe to use?” can be powerful questions to open a dialogue. They force an individual to consider their genuine feelings surrounding their marijuana use. 

It is possible that those who suffer from addiction to marijuana often do not think about these kinds of questions, rather only considering how it makes them feel when it is used. Their answers to these potent questions can be a great gateway to opening up an honest and genuine dialogue. This can help an individual take the first step on their own recovery journey. Honesty is the cornerstone of effective communication and recovery, and having specific, directed questions can help open this key aspect of dialogue. 

Talking about marijuana addiction can be a tricky conversation. There can be a great deal of misinformation about its use and safety. While legal in many states, marijuana can still be a dangerous and addictive substance. If you or a loved one are struggling with an addiction to marijuana, Everlast Recovery Centers can help you take the first step on your recovery journey. We offer an array of therapeutic programs to help create your own, unique recovery plan, with approaches ranging from individual and group therapy, art therapy, music, writing, and more, all supported by an open and caring, communal atmosphere. Our home-like facilities and trained, caring staff ensure that you always have support ready when you need it while you continue to grow in your own recovery. For more information on how we can personalize your time with us or to speak to a caring, trained staff member about your unique situation, call us today at (866) 388-6925.

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