
Daily Rituals for a Healthy Mind

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Addiction and mental health disorders can affect every aspect of an individual’s life. They can inhibit daily routines, workplace performance, and attendance and otherwise compromise even one’s motivation to accomplish their goals. However, providing the body and mind with a daily routine can help structure one’s day to start off with the right mindset and ready to cope with the stresses ahead. Learning one’s best coping strategies is an important part of recovery, but having the energy and mindset to employ them when needed is just as necessary to make the most of these strategies, and having consistent, daily rituals can help scaffold even further success. 

Starting the Day Healthy

Having an established morning routine is essential for starting the day off on the right foot. Having a regular time to wake up, implementing a hygiene routine, and setting aside time for breakfast and a bit of self-care can all be important ways to begin the day. 

Waking up at a predetermined, regular time can help an individual structure their day and ensure that they don’t sleep in and have to rush through their other rituals. Waking up late can begin an individual’s day in a state of anxiety or rush and can instantly cause a person to flood their own minds with the myriad of things that they have to accomplish in a short amount of time. This kind of feeling can be overwhelming and dictate the day ahead. 

Setting aside some time for self-care in the morning can help refocus one’s energy for the day ahead on themselves. Before anything else–before school, work, or tending to other responsibilities–taking a moment for self-care is a way to affirm that one’s own body and mind are always the top priority each and every day. For some, this part of one’s morning ritual can be taking a few minutes to listen to some calming or uplifting music, while others may want to begin their days by engaging in meditation or yoga. 

Even going for a jog can be a great morning routine that works out one’s body while giving the mind time to prepare for the day ahead. Deciding on a ritual and sticking to it can be a great way to claim agency over the day to come. 

Embracing Social Rituals and Routines

The social component of one’s daily life is incredibly important in staving off feelings of isolation and can further aid in strengthening relationships — especially with family members and trusted supports. Having daily rituals focused on one’s social needs can address these feelings before they have a chance to develop to debilitating levels. 

Calling a friend on regular lunch breaks or texting a family member when work is over is a great way to continue to address one’s social needs. Not only can keeping these rituals regularly help prompt individuals to be more readily available, but it also provides an avenue to discuss one’s stresses or successes one day at a time so that no element becomes overwhelming and potential problems or hurdles can be addressed early. Simple, regular text messages, phone calls, emails, or dinner time video chats are all ways to continue tending to one’s social needs. 

Ritual Reflections

Daily rituals can also be employed to provide an individual with time for their own personal reflection. Setting aside time just before bed to engage in meditation or journaling can help provide an opportunity to decompress after a long and busy day. 

Taking time to journal one’s feelings throughout the day not only helps to get them out of one’s head and onto a page, giving a feeling of relief, but also can create a powerful tool for identifying potential patterns that may be causing additional stress in one’s life. 

Likewise, taking time to meditate can allow an individual to mentally process the stresses of the day and reach a calming state of mind before they turn in for the night. Either way, these rituals can help an individual process feelings of anxiety, depression, stress, or any other negative emotion before they lay down for bed, helping an individual to relax and improve their quality of sleep. 

Sticking to a Regular Practice

Embracing certain therapeutic and structural rituals can be a new experience, and it may take time before an individual begins to reap the benefits of these rituals for themselves. However, much of the power of these daily rituals comes from their reliable consistency. Always having self-care scheduled into a day can provide a person with a break to look forward to, and having rituals scheduled just before bed can help prepare and program the body to ensure that they get sufficient sleep. 

Keeping effective rituals and balancing one’s life around the need for their implementation not only provides necessary physical and emotional outlets but also provides structure to one’s life and mindset to maintain a sober lifestyle. 

Creating daily rituals and routines can provide a great base to structure one’s other coping strategies and schedule, all helping to create a sense of consistency and control. At Everlast Recovery, we are prepared to help you explore your different options for self-care and structure by providing you with several different therapeutic options. From art therapy, music therapy, experiential excursions, and much more, our programs are designed to allow you to explore your new sober identity. Your time with us is backed by a supportive, home-like atmosphere to help you relax and model your days around your own sober goals. Close-knit groups are encouraged to share in each other strategies and successes, and your time with us can help model a balance of recovery programs, self-care, and instill a sense of confidence along the way. For more information on how we can personalize your time with us or to speak to a caring, trained staff member about your situation, call us today at (866) 338-6925.

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