Should I Transition Into a Sober Living Facility?

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Making your next change after attending a treatment program can feel uncomfortable. You’ve spent the past weeks or months working incredibly hard on yourself, and you know how important this next step in your journey will be. When a person completes a treatment program, sometimes the home environment that they will be moving back into can be the last place they need to be. For some people, home life is full of triggers, leaving them feeling stressed at the mere thought of returning. Of course, there are ways to manage this stress if you decide to transition back into your home life; still, many others choose to enroll in a sober living home.

This type of environment allows a person to ease into the next chapter of their recovery. They are given the opportunity to rest, learn, and continue growing as a sober person. Another important benefit that will come if you choose to transition into a sober living facility is the additional support you’ll receive from peers who understand what you are going through. 

What Is Sober Living?

Sober living spaces are groups of homes that are available to those recovering from an addiction. The homes can be privately owned or owned by businesses such as church organizations. Sober living facilities allow for individuals to become tenants of the building, and usually have a set of rules that are in place for all tenants to follow. These rules can include:

  • Maintaining a job or actively pursuing employment
  • Enrolling or continuing in education
  • Abiding by a set curfew
  • Willingness to engage in community activities  
  • Helping with chores around the house
  • Attending mandatory meetings
  • Adhering to a zero-tolerance policy towards the use of drugs and alcohol
  • Refraining from violence
  • Tenants may be subject to regular drug testing

Although most sober living communities are gender-specific, some are mixed. Tenants are usually required to pay rent or be responsible financially for other expenses for the duration of their stay. The length of time a person can stay in a sober living home also varies; most stay for about six months at a time, but there is not a standard timeframe or deadline for moving out. As long as the participants are following the rules set in place, most sober living communities encourage participants to stay as long as they need and to come and go as they please. 

Most sober living homes accept residents who are new to the rehab process, and have completed a substance abuse rehabilitation program before moving in. Although completion of such a program is common, it is not always a strict prerequisite. 

The goal of sober living is to provide participants with a safe, comfortable environment during their recovery. Sober living encourages its tenants to be independent and responsible for themselves, which is a tool they will need as they transition back into regular living.

The Benefits of A Sober Living Facility

When it comes to addiction, leaving treatment doesn’t mean you’re cured. Your struggles with addiction can still flare up at any time. Life’s pressures can cause stress to rise and evoke an urge to use. This is why it’s so important for individuals who are going through recovery to be around other people. We all have the choice to use or not to use, but by finding a support group that understands our constant struggles, we decrease our chances of relapse. Living with like-minded peers can make a huge impact on helping a person to stay sober. 

While at a sober living home, you are able to spend every day as part of a tightly-knit community that encourages you to do whatever it takes to be sober. Attending meetings together and being there for each other when in distress are all important during this part of your recovery. The friendships that you make in a sober living facility become vital to your sobriety as you maneuver through life’s challenges. 

Anyone who is going through the recovery process can benefit from a sober living program. Certain factors make a person more likely to need extra support from a sober living program, including:

  • Having a history of chronic relapse
  • Recovering from a severe addiction
  • Not having a sober environment to transition back into
  • Lacking a concrete plan for ongoing addiction treatment

A Sober Life Can Be Yours

If you are struggling with an addiction, a sober living home may be the right solution for you. These communities help their residents stay sober by giving them the support they need in multiple areas of recovery. While sober living is not for everyone, it’s worth considering whether a sober living home may be the exact thing you need as you transition into your new life of sobriety and success.

You have multiple options once you make the transition out of rehab. You may not be ready to move back into your old home, or you might not have a healthy environment to transition back into. Having a home that is healthy and supportive can make or break your sobriety. Sober living offers residents the extra support that they need to continue conquering their addictions. While living in a sober living home, tenants can learn how to become a responsible, functioning participant again. Tenants are required to live to standards like attending mandatory meetings, doing chores, and maintaining a sober life. Sober living communities offer individuals added support from like-minded peers that are crucial for your recovery. Making the decision to move into a sober living facility can take some deliberation. To get professional help in making the right decision for you, call Everlast Recovery at 866-DETOX-25. 

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