Is There a Guaranteed Approach to Recovery From Addiction That is Effective for Everyone?

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Recovery from addiction will look different for everyone seeking treatment. Each person has unique needs or underlying issues that need to be addressed while in recovery. There is no “one-size fits all” approach to recovery that will work for everyone. Some people may work through a 12-step program following detox, while others may use a combination of approaches to treat their addiction. If there is a guaranteed approach to recovery then it would be doing what is going to work best for you and your recovery. You may find that many treatment centers offer a variety of approaches and modalities that can address your needs. While in recovery, you may also need to be open-minded and accepting of new approaches that can help. Try some new things, explore your options, ask questions, and find the best fit for yourself. No one else is in charge of your recovery. You are the one making the decisions about what does or what does not work.

Treatment Options and Programs

Treatment programs may involve a variety of therapies and other activities to help you discover your path to recovery. Some of the different therapy options may include:

  • Individual therapy, one-on-one therapy, or psychotherapy
    • Generally, each of these terms refers to a therapy session that will involve only the client and their therapist or counselor.
    • Some methods of treatment in therapy may vary. Your therapist or counselor may try some of the following techniques:
      • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): helps to challenge distorted or false beliefs
      • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT): similar to CBT with a greater focus on emotions and relationships
      • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR): uses bilateral stimulation to help those with trauma, anxiety, depression, and other disorders.
      • Motivational Interviewing: a structured means of discovering your internal motivation for recovery and change.
    • Not all therapists or counselors will use these methods. Some will help you by talking through and processing your issues. Some therapists may give you homework assignments outside of sessions.
  • Group Therapy and 12-step programs
    • Group therapy is exactly like it sounds–talking about your problems and issues with a group of individuals dealing with similar challenges.
    • Groups can vary in terms of what the main topic of discussion is. There are some groups specifically geared toward addiction recovery, such as 12-step groups, like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous. However, other groups may deal with a range of other topics, like:
      • Grief
      • Depression
      • Anxiety
      • Overeating
      • Gambling
      • Codependency and relationships
      • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
    • Depending upon underlying issues that may be at the root of your addiction, you may want to consider joining a group to help with a specific topic.
  • Psychoeducational Courses
    • Some treatment programs have group sessions revolving around teaching skills or discussing other topics related to mental health and recovery. These may include:
      • Early Recovery: Understanding what to expect when beginning treatment.
      • Feelings Management: Learning coping skills to deal with negative or overwhelming feelings.
      • Self-Esteem: Building your self-esteem and self-worth by learning new coping skills and tips.
      • Relationships: Your addictions may have left your relationships with others in turmoil and you can learn skills to rebuild these relationships. 
      • Healthy Boundaries: Many in recovery may struggle to set healthy boundaries with others.
      • Trigger Management: Learn ways to manage your triggers to prevent relapse.
  • Alternative Approaches to Treatment
    • You may want to explore other treatment options and therapies that are more “hands-on.”
      • Equine Therapy: This therapy focuses on learning to care for horses as an activity that can heal those in recovery.
      • Art and Music Therapy: You may struggle with expressing your emotions. Art and Music therapists can teach you creative ways to express yourself.
      • Holistic approaches: Yoga and other mindfulness practices can help you engage your whole body in the recovery process.
      • Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT): MAT uses medication that can help control your cravings to help you in detox and recovery. MAT is used in conjunction with therapy to be most effective.

While there is no singular cure or approach to treatment that will work for everyone, you can explore multiple options and modalities to find the best treatment plan for yourself. Recovery is an individualized experience and taking a client-centered approach is common for most treatment programs. You may want to combine several types of treatment or find a few methods that work for you. As you continue in your recovery, new issues may come up, and finding a different treatment method may be helpful to face these new challenges. Everlast Recovery Centers empowers you to make informed decisions about your recovery!

Recovery and treatment for addiction can involve a lot of different types of methods to put together an effective treatment plan. Individualized approaches to treatment may help you achieve the best outcomes for your recovery. Each person has different needs and wants. You may be struggling with issues that may be at the root of your addiction. You may also be in recovery and finding new issues coming up. You might benefit from exploring your treatment options and considering other forms of therapy. Recovery is a journey and you may need to change things along the way. You may want to try different things, like therapy, groups, psychoeducational courses, experiential therapy, or holistic methods to meet your needs. Everlast Recovery Centers is here to empower you to make informed choices regarding your treatment and care. Call us today at 866-DETOX-25 to discuss the various modalities available to you for your recovery!

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